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4505 E McCain Blvd, North Little Rock, AR 72117 Suite 2
Tel: (501) 904-2904
About Our OB/GYN Services
Every pregnancy and birth is unique, and so is the attention we provide to our patients. Maintaining excellent health during pregnancy is key and our staff works with patients to ensure their best health possible, thereby reducing the risks -- and stress -- surrounding childbirth.
Dr. Steve Marks leads our team with more than 35 years of experience as a certified OBGYN. He and the rest of our team are reliable, responsible, patient, and design a program for each of our patients that helps ensure the best outcomes for both mother and baby.
At Dallas Women's Health Specialists, our team of specialist obstetricians and gynecologists know that the journey to pregnancy requires multiple levels of care. Whether you're pregnant or trying to conceive, giving birth is one of the most exciting times in a woman's life.
With offices in Central Arkansas, you'll find all the services and support you need to have a safe pregnancy and a healthy baby.
Pregnancy Services Provided at Dallas' WHS
LifeLong has been serving central Arkansas for over 35 years. Every obstetrician and gynecologist on staff can handle both high and low risk pregnancies, whatever your needs.
During your pregnancy, you can visit:
An Obstetrician and Gynecologist, who oversees and manages your care by regular appointments.
Approximately once a month during weeks through 28
Twice a month during weeks 28 through 36
Weekly for 36 weeks until delivery
An ultrasound technician who has Monitor fetal growth and development.
Certified anesthesiologist during labor and delivery.
Early and regular prenatal check-ups improve your chances of pregnancy and a healthy baby.
Once your baby is born, you'll have access to the highest quality newborn care and ongoing support from your doctor.
Your first prenatal visit
A prenatal visit usually begins about 8 weeks after your last period. If you are a high-risk patient or are worried about the first weeks of pregnancy, we may be able to see you sooner.
Your first prenatal visit will be quite comprehensive. Your doctor:
Will ask you about your medical history, including any previous illnesses, surgeries or pregnancies
Will ask you about your family's medical history
See you comprehensive health, including pelvic exam and Pap test
Get blood and urine for lab work
Check your blood pressure, height and weight
Calculate due date
Answering Your Questions
Order an ultrasound
We usually order an ultrasound during your first visit. At other times, you may order medicine if there is any doubt about your progress or if you have bleeding or cramping.
During your visit, your doctor will also discuss with you the following:
Diet, exercise, nutrition, weight gain
Prenatal vitamins, supplements, herbs
Travel restrictions
Environmental hazards
Fevers and medications
Foster care dentistry, cats, raw meat, fish and gardening
Miscarriage precautions
Follow-up prenatal care
Follow-up prenatal visits will be shorter. Your doctor will check your condition and make sure that your baby is developing as expected. At these visits, you can expect your doctor to:
Check your blood pressure
Measure your weight gain
Measure your waist circumference to check your baby's growth (when you start bleeding) show)
Checking your baby's heart rate
During these visits, the doctor may also order common tests, such as blood tests to check for anemia, blood type. your HIV and other factors. In addition, other tests may be ordered based on your age, personal or family medical history, ethnicity, or the results of routine tests you have had.
Childbirth, or labor and delivery, is the culmination of pregnancy with the arrival of a newborn baby from the womb.
It is important to discuss labor and the signs of labor with your healthcare provider early in pregnancy, before labor begins.
For most women, labor begins between 37 and 2 weeks of pregnancy. Labor that occurs before the 37th week of pregnancy is considered preterm or preterm.
Stages of labor
There are three stages of labor. The first phase begins at the onset of labor and ends when the cervix is ​​fully dilated. This is the longest stage of labor, lasting from 12 to 19 hours. It is different for every woman.
The second stage of labor involves pushing and delivering your baby. This step can take from 20 minutes to 2 hours.
The third stage of labor involves the delivery of the placenta. This is the shortest stage, lasting from 5 to 30 minutes.
Signs of labor
The main sign of labor is a series of contractions (the tightening and loosening of the uterus) that are regular, get stronger, and last longer. You should contact your healthcare provider when your contractions are every 5 to 10 minutes for an hour.
Other signs of labor include:
Lightening. This term refers to the time when the fetus falls or moves lower in the uterus.
Increased vaginal discharge. This discharge is called "curtain" or "bleeding" and may appear clear, pink, or slightly bloody. This happens when the cervix begins to open (dilate).
Pain or pressure around the front of the pelvis or rectum.
Dull lower back pain
Cramps resembling menstrual cramps, with or without diarrhea.
A gush or trickle of fluid, which is an indication of a water break.
These signs can occur a few days before labor or right at the start of labor.
Postpartum visit
After giving birth, your doctor will discuss with you what you may feel as your body begins to heal, such as:
Vaginal discharge called discharge lochia. These are the tissues and blood that line your uterus during pregnancy. The discharge may be heavy at first, then gradually lighten until it clears up after a few weeks.
Swelling of legs and feet. Reduce swelling by elevating your legs when possible.
Constipation. Drink plenty of water and eat fresh fruits and vegetables.
This is common, especially if you are breastfeeding. Your milk will arrive 3 to 6 days after you give birth.Menstrual-like cramping
Postpartum depression and anxiety screening.
You will have a postpartum visit with your doctor about 6 weeks after giving birth. During the visit, the doctor will discuss things like
Resume normal activities
Diet and exercise plans to get back to a healthy weight
Sex and birth control